Orlogix®'s "Erase MyPC®" v3" User Guide
Securely erase your data
Safety Notice
First, please be aware that rare and unpredictable hardware or software failures can occur whenever you use any IT product. One of the possible consequences is the loss of your data and files. The only practical way to avoid this risk is to create and verify multiple regular backups and store them in a safe place. You alone are fully responsible at all times for the safety of all your data and files.
Warning : The erase process is non-reversible.
Please ensure any files required are copied from the hard-drives before using this product.
Please place the bootable CD disc that contains Orlogix Erase MyPC product into the CD drive of your system and reboot your computer. Orlogix Erase MyPC will run automatically. NOTE: For more functionality, you can use the command-line parameters, giving you more flexibility and being able to run the wiping process without actually having to run through the user interface. (e.g. you may run the Erase MyPC in silent mode, requiring no user intervention and/or no user intervention is allowed). For more information about the command-line parameters, please read the COMMAND-LINE PARAMETERS section. To locate this section, use the table of contents from the beginning of this file.
Orlogix Erase MyPC will first open an Introductory Screen that displays information about the current version, the licensing information and the security level of the product. If you agree with the terms of the license agreement and you want to start using the product, press ALT+A (for detailed information about the terms and conditions of using Orlogix Erase MyPC, press ALT+R). To decline the license agreement and exit the program press ALT+D.
1.1.1 STEP 1: Selecting the drives to sanitize
The Erase MyPC will now let you select the drives you want to sanitize. In the upper part of the screen you will see the list of physical drives connected to your computer. For each drive, the list displays the drive type (floppy or hard), the drive number and the size in MB (Megabytes) and/or MiB (Million Bytes). To select (or un-select) a drive for sanitizing, simply use the arrow keys to highlight the drive and hit the spacebar.
To address the full hard disk capacity, Erase MyPC will use by default the BIOS extended Int13h detection method. This method works with any type of disk drive (IDE, ATA, SCSI, MFM, FLOPPY etc.) and is recommended for most users if the hard drive can properly be detected by the BIOS (Basic Input Output System) of the computer. However, even if on some old machines the BIOS does not support large hard drives and cannot properly detect the size of certain hard drives (the maximum addressable capacity being 8.4GB), Erase MyPC offers another detection method. By pressing ALT+S, you can select the IDE/ATA disk controller (for BIOS and DISK incompatibility) detection method. This method works with IDE/ATA hard drives only and you should use it only if BIOS extended Int13h detection method fails to detect your hard drive.
To view the data that exists on a drive, use the arrow keys to highlight the drive and press Alt+V to open the Sector Viewer. Because the Erase MyPC lists the available drives only by drive type, number and size, it is easy to make a mistake and select the wrong drive to sanitize. That's why Orlogix has implemented this safety feature designed to prevent you from sanitizing a drive by mistake. After selecting the drives to be sanitized, press ALT+C to continue with the next step, or if you want to return to the previous step, press ALT+B.
1.1.2 STEP 2: Selecting the sanitize method
Erase MyPC will now let you select the sanitize method you want to use. In the upper part of the screen you will see the list of the available sanitize methods. When you highlight a method name in the list by using the arrow keys, the method description is displayed in the lower part of the screen. To select the sanitize method you want to use, simply use the arrow keys to highlight the method name and hit the spacebar. NOTE: To learn more about the sanitize methods, please read the SANITIZE METHODS section of this documentation file. To locate this section, use the table of contents from the beginning of this file. After selecting the sanitize method, press ALT+C to continue with the next step, or if you want to return to the previous step, press ALT+B.
1.1.3 STEP 3: Selecting sanitize options
Erase MyPC will now let you select various sanitize options. In the upper part of the screen you will see the list of available sanitize options. When you highlight an option in the list by using the arrow keys, information about that option is displayed in the lower part of the screen. To select (or un-select) a sanitize option, simply use the arrow keys to highlight the option and hit the spacebar.
NOTE: For a detailed description of each sanitize option, please read the SANITIZE OPTIONS section. To locate this section, use the table of contents from the beginning of this file. After selecting the sanitize options, press ALT+C to continue with the next step, or if you want to return to the previous step, press ALT+B.
NOTE: If you have selected the "Department of Defense style log file" option, you will be prompted to enter the name of the person performing the sanitizing and a description or ID of the media that is sanitized. This extra information is required to generate a log file that matches the U.S. Dep. of Defense standards. NOTE: "Generate sanitizing log (report) file" option must also be selected in order to generate a log (report) file.
1.1.4 STEP 4: Starting to sanitize
Before starting to sanitize the selected drives using the selected sanitize method and options, Erase MyPC will open a "safety" screen that warns you that you are about to destroy the data from one or more drives beyond recovery. To close this warning screen and start sanitizing the selected drives, press Alt+S. If you do not wish to proceed with the sanitizing process, press Alt+X to cancel and exit the program. You can also return to the previous step by pressing ALT+B.
During the sanitizing process, Erase MyPC opens a progress screen that displays the following information:
- The drive that is being sanitized, its size and the total number of data sectors - The current sanitize pass number and the total number of passes - The current data sector being sanitized - An overall progress indicator showing what percent of sanitizing the current drive has been completed. The progress indicator reaches 100% when sanitizing the current drive is complete. - The elapsed and estimated sanitizing time and the average sanitizing speed in Kb (or Mb) per second.You can pause the sanitizing process at anytime by pressing Alt+P. While the sanitizing process is paused, you can:
- press Alt+V to open the Sector Viewer and view the current contents of the drive. This way you can observe the sanitizing process and verify that all the original disk data has been destroyed beyond recovery; - press Alt+X to abort sanitizing the current drive (you will be asked to confirm aborting);press ALT+C to continue sanitizing.
You can abort sanitizing the current drive at anytime by pressing Alt+X. As a safety feature, you will be asked to confirm aborting.
NOTE: In order to be able to pause or abort the sanitizing process, the "Allow the sanitizing process to be interrupted or paused" option must be set. If you also set the "Automatically pause after a sanitize pass ends" option, the sanitizing process will be automatically paused after performing each sanitize pass. This way you can use the Sector Viewer to check if each sanitize pass was performed correctly. Please read the SANITIZE OPTIONS section for more information. To locate this section, use the table of contents from the beginning of this file.
After a drive has been completely sanitized, you can view and/or print the sanitizing log file (Alt+L), manually check the result of sanitizing using the Sector Viewer (Alt+V), continue sanitizing the next drive (ALT+R) or exit the program (Alt+X). NOTE: In order to be able to generate a log (report) file, the Generate sanitizing log (report) file option must be set. If you want to generate a log file that matches the U.S. Dep. of Defense standards, you must also set the "Department of Defense style log file" option, and in this situation you will be prompted to enter the name of the person performing the sanitizing and a description or ID of the media that is sanitized.
To address the full hard disk capacity, Erase MyPC will use by default the BIOS extended Int13h detection method. This method works with any type of disk drive (IDE, ATA, SCSI, MFM, FLOPPY etc.) and is recommended for most users if the hard drive can be properly detected by the BIOS (Basic Input Output System) of the computer. However, even if on some old machines the BIOS does not support large hard drives and cannot properly detect the size of certain hard drives (the maximum addressable capacity being 8.4GB), Erase MyPC offers another detection method. By pressing ALT+S, you can select the IDE/ATA disk controller (for BIOS and DISK incompatibility) detection method. This method works with IDE/ATA hard drives only and you should use it only if BIOS extended Int13h detection method fails to detect your hard drive.
The built-in Sector Viewer can be opened in various ways while running the Erase MyPC, With the Sector Viewer, you can see the data that exists in the sectors of a disk drive. The Sector Viewer can help you better observe the sanitizing process and verify that all the original disk data is destroyed beyond recovery. In the Sector Viewer, pressing Alt+N will load the next disk sector in the viewer; Alt+P will load the previous disk sector; Alt+G will let you load the contents of a specified disk sector; pressing Esc will close the Sector Viewer and ALT+X will exit the program. NOTE: The built-in Sector Viewer has limited capabilities and it is not a fully featured Disk Viewer or Editor.
Orlogix Erase MyPC offers multiple methods to sanitize disks. The sanitize method specifies how many times the Erase MyPC will overwrite the disk data, and with what patterns (characters). The sanitize methods have different security levels. Orlogix Erase MyPC offers many advanced sanitize methods designed to stop any kind of data recovery. Even the most sophisticated data recovery equipment will not be able to restore data that was sanitized with the advanced methods offered by the Orlogix Erase MyPC, These advanced sanitize methods also meet and exceed the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) 5220.22 M standards. Orlogix Erase MyPC allows you to select a sanitize method after you select the drives you want to sanitize.
2.3.1 Information on sanitizing standards/algorithms
Orlogix Erase MyPC offers the guaranteed destruction of sensitive data on hard disks using special algorithms. It works in compliance with the most known national standards
- American: U.S. Standard, DoD 5220.22-M
- American: NAVSO P-5239-26 (RLL)
- American: NAVSO P-5239-26 (MFM)
- Peter Gutmann algorithm - a maximum security 35 pass sanitize method
- Bruce Schneier algorithm - a 7 pass data-destroying algorithm
Orlogix Erase MyPC's wiping methods also include two simple but fast data-destroying algorithms, that overwrite all disk data with zero or random characters (patterns), according to the chosen method. Orlogix Erase MyPC supports all of the above standards, furthermore it offers you the opportunity to develop and use your own data-destroying algorithms, that perfectly suits your security needs. For more information on how to develop custom algorithms, please read the CREATING CUSTOM ALGORITHMS section of this documentation file. To locate this section, use the table of contents from the beginning of this file. For more information about the above mentioned sanitizing standards/algorithms, please read the appropriate section in this documentation file.
2.3.2 Predefined sanitizing methods
- Gutmann's maximum security sanitize method (35 passes)
A maximum security (but slow) 35 pass sanitize method, based on Peter Gutmann's paper "Secure Deletion of Data from Magnetic and Solid-State Memory". The method is designed to erase data regardless of the disk raw encoding. It effectively removes the magnetic remnants from disk, preventing hardware recovery tools from restoring any data. NOTE: This method stops both software and hardware recovery tools.
- U.S.Department of Defense Sanitizing (DOD 5220.22-M) (7 passes)
A high security (and slower) 7 pass sanitize method, matching the U.S. Department of Defense standards (DOD 5220.22-M). The method first overwrites with 01010101. The second overwrite is performed with 10101010. This cycle is repeated three times. The final overwrite is made using unclassified data (random characters). This method also meets the NAVSO P5239-26, AFSSI-5020 and AR380-19 standards.
- B. Schneier's algorithm (7 passes)
Bruce Schneier offers seven pass overwriting algorithm in his Applied Cryptography book. First pass overwrites all disk data with 0xFF patterns, second pass with 0x00 patterns, and then five times with a cryptographically secure pseudo-random sequence.
- NAVSO P-5239-26 (MFM) (3 passes)
Navy Staff Office Publication (NAVSO PUB) 5239, "Information Systems Security (INFO SEC) Program Guidelines" is issued by the Naval Information Systems Management Center. Disk controllers use a variety of encoding techniques to convert the computer data to a format suitable for the Magnetic data storage media. Typically, ST506 style disk drives use MFM encoding; SCSI and ATA/IDE drives use a Run Length Limited (RLL) encoding scheme. This method implements the MFM pattern.
- NAVSO P-5239-26 (RLL) (3 passes)
Navy Staff Office Publication (NAVSO PUB) 5239, "Information Systems Security (INFO SEC) Program Guidelines" is issued by the Naval Information Systems Management Center. Disk controllers use a variety of encoding techniques to convert the computer data to a format suitable for the Magnetic data storage media. Typically, ST506 style disk drives use MFM encoding; SCSI and ATA/IDE drives use a Run Length Limited (RLL) encoding scheme. If you are uncertain as to the drive encoding technique, use the RLL pattern.
- Single-pass quick sanitize method, with random characters (1 pass)
A quick, single-pass sanitize method, that overwrites all disk data with random characters (patterns). This type of sanitizing is able to stop all software recovery tools (unformat and unerase tools, low level disk editors, etc.) from recovering the original data stored on disk. This method leaves the entire disk surface filled with unclassified (random) information and no trace of the original data.
- Single-pass quick sanitize method, with zeros (1 pass)
A quick, single-pass sanitize method, that overwrites all disk data with zero characters (patterns). This type of sanitizing is able to stop all software recovery tools (unformat and unerase tools, low level disk editors, etc.) from recovering the original data stored on disk. This is the U.S. Department of Defense approved method for clearing disks (but NOT for sanitizing disks with secret information).
2.3.3 Creating custom algorithms
Orlogix Erase MyPC gives you the opportunity to develop and use your own data-destroying algorithms, that perfectly suit your security needs. To create a custom algorithm, please open a text editor, write the method and save the file with a .met extension in the METHODS subdirectory of the DSKSANIT directory. Note: If you have the boot-CD version of Erase MyPC, you will need to either contact Orlogix support for a Floppy Disk Image file to create your own boot-floppy or alternatively extract the files from your CD, add your custom file and rebuild a bootable CD ISO file.
Bellow, you will find an intuitive example on how to create your own algorithm for data destruction (the character # indicates a comment line):
# The NAME keyword is used to define the name of the method you create.It will
# apear in the list of the available sanitize methods of Erase MyPC.
NAME=Example (6 PASS)
# The METHODNR keyword is used to determine the place of the new method in the
# list of the already available methods. The list of methods is sorted based
# on the information provided through METHODNR. By default, METHODNR is equal
# with the number of passes of the method.
# The DESCRIPTION keyword defines the method description.
DESCRIPTION= This method is an example.
# The HEXA keyword can be used to create a new pass of the sanitize method. It
# defines a pattern of data (that is a stream of hexadecimal values) to be
# written to the disk. Each value must start with the a "$" character and must
# have two digits.
# pass 1: overwrites the disk with the AAh pattern
# pass 2: overwrites the disk with the 00h ffh patterns
# The CHGDIR keyword is used to change the default sanitizing direction just
# for the previous defined pass. In this case, the second pass will be
# performed by sanitizing the drive with 00h ffh paterns from back to front.
# please refer to sanitizing options to find out more about this.
# The RAND keyword can be used to create a new pass of the sanitize method. It
# generates a stream of pseudo-random numbers between two indicated values
# (written in hexa-decimal form) to be written to the entire disk. Both values
# must start with a "$" character and must have two digits.
# pass 3: overwrites the disk with random patterns
# between 00h and FFh
# The RNDCH keyword can be used to create a new pass of the sanitize method.
# It generates a random character between two indicated values (written in
# hexa-decimal form) to be written to the entire disk.
# pass 4: overwrites the disk with one random character between 10h and 99h.
# The INV keyword can be used to create a new pass of the sanitize method. It
# generates the binary complement of the data generated in the previous pass
# to be written to the entire disk. NOTE: The INV keyword can not be used
# after the RAND keyword.
#pass 5
# The SHUFFLE keyword is used to mix the order of the passes indicated by the
# interval defined by the two values.
Available on the Sanitizing Options Screen. NOTE: The sanitize options can also be set using the command-line parameters. For more information about the command-line parameters, please read the COMMAND-LINE PARAMETERS section of this documentation file. To locate this section, use the table of contents from the beginning of this file.
2.4.1 Verify sanitizing
If this option is selected, each sector that is sanitized will be verified to ensure that its data has been destroyed beyond recovery. This is accomplished by reading each sector back from disk and checking to ensure that the original disk data has been properly overwritten and destroyed. DEFAULT VALUE: Set (on)
NOTES: 1. We recommend that you leave this option on because it will help you ensure that the data you sanitize is really destroyed beyond recovery. 2. This option will approximately double the time required for sanitizing because for each sector the Erase MyPC will perform two operations: sanitizing (a disk write operation) and verification (a disk read operation).2.4.2 Sanitize drive from back to front
If this option is selected, the drive will be sanitized from back to front. The sectors located at the front of the drive (that usually contain important system files required by the operating system) will be the last to be sanitized. This will ensure that important data will be saved, in case the user changes his mind about sanitizing the drive. DEFAULT VALUE: Set (on) NOTES: This is a built-in safety feature designed to minimize the loss of vital data in case you start to sanitize the wrong disk. When this option is on, if you interrupt the sanitizing process before it completes, the data located at the front of the drive (important system files that render a computer unusable if overwritten) may be saved.
2.4.3 Perform a last sanitize with zeros
If this option is selected, Erase MyPC will perform a last sanitize pass with zeros after all the passes of the current sanitize method have been performed. This way, after sanitizing a drive, all its contents will be filled with zeros. DEFAULT VALUE: Not set (off) NOTES: After the sanitize process is completed, the disk remains filled with the pattern that was written during the last sanitize pass. In case you use a sanitize method that performs a last pass with random or non-zero patterns, this option allows you clear the entire disk surface and fill it with zeros.
2.4.4 Generate sanitizing log (report) file
If this option is selected, the Sanitizer will generate a sanitizing log (report) for each drive that is sanitized. The log will contain information about the drive, the time and date of sanitizing, any errors that occur while sanitizing, etc. Log files are saved in the root directory of the disk disk where Erase MyPC is installed, and they can also be sent to a printer. NOTE: If you wish to save a log to media and you have the bootable CD version of Erase MyPC, you will need to request a Floppy disk image from Orlogix support. DEFAULT VALUE: Set (on)
2.4.5 Department of Defense style log file
If this option is selected, the Sanitizer will also log extra information required by U.S. Dep. of Defense standards (such as the name of the person performing the sanitizing). The log file will also contain the exact contents of any sector that could not been sanitized. This helps the user determine if the data that remained on disk is too sensitive to permit the release of the media. DEFAULT VALUE: Set (on) in the GOV version, Not set (off) in the Standard version.
2.4.6 Allow the sanitizing process to be interrupted or paused
If this option is selected, the sanitizing process can be interrupted at any time by pressing Alt+X or paused by pressing Alt+P. If this option is not selected, the user will not be able to interrupt or pause the sanitizing process until the entire drive is sanitized beyond recovery. DEFAULT VALUE: Set (on)
2.4.7 Sanitize without requiring user intervention
If this option is selected, the sanitizing process will not require user intervention. After a drive has been sanitized, the Sanitizer will automatically start to sanitize the next selected drive. When an error occurs, it will not be displayed to the user and the sanitizing process will automatically continue. DEFAULT VALUE: Not set (off) NOTES: This option allows you to sanitize one or more drives without requiring user intervention or input. After selecting the drives to sanitize and the sanitize method and options, the user can leave the product to do its job and continue his work elsewhere.
2.4.8 Automatically pause after a sanitize pass ends
If this option is selected, the Sanitizer will automatically pause after performing each sanitize pass. This way you can use the built-in Sector Viewer to check if the sanitize pass was performed correctly. DEFAULT VALUE: Not set (off)
2.4.9 Use ISAAC pseudo random number generating algorithm
If this option is selected, the Sanitizer will use ISAAC pseudorandom number generation algorithm for random data generating. This ensures a high security level but slows down the sanitizing process. DEFAULT VALUE: Set (on)
2.4.10 Create partition after sanitizing drive
If this option is selected, after the sanitizing process, the Sanitizer will automatically create a primary DOS active partition. DEFAULT VALUE: Not set (off)
The COMMAND-LINE PARAMETERS feature allows advanced users to run the program from the command prompt, with no user interface (if desired) and create different wiping scenarios (e.g. wipe hard drives with no user intervention allowed, ignoring all errors, etc). The advanced users can now use command line parameters with Erase MyPC and eventually create BAT files that will make the program easier to use in certain conditions.
Typing sanitize /? from command prompt (once you are in DskSanit directory), the list of the command line parameters will appear on the screen.
Please read bellow the description of each of these parameters:
/H:x - using this parameter will define the drive to be sanitized using BIOS extended Int13h detection method (x=0 Hard 1, x=2 Hard 2, etc). (recommended for most users)
/I:x - using this parameter will define the IDE/ATA drive to be sanitized (x=0 primary master, x=1 primary slave, etc)
/F:x - you will use this parameter if you want to define a floppy disk to be sanitized.
/ox+, /ox- - using these parameters, the user can enable/disable the options used in the sanitizing process. The complete list of options is listed on the screen.
(e.g. /o1+ - enables the option no. 1 (Verify sanitizing);
/o4- - disable option no. 4 (Generate sanitizing log (report) file)
NOTE 1: The default sanitizing options are marked (?) on the screen. You will only have to use /Ox+, /Ox- parameters if you desire to alter the default options and run the wiping process on a customized options set.
NOTE 2: For a detailed description of each sanitize option, please read the SANITIZE OPTIONS section of this documentation file. To locate this section, use the table of contents.
/o+ , /o- - using these parameters, the user can enable/disable the default sanitizing options. (The default value is /O+)
/M:x - this parameter will define the sanitize method that will be used in the sanitizing process. You can see the complete list of the sanitize methods using the /list parameter.
NOTE: The default sanitize method is the first method in the list. Typing sanitize /list from the command prompt (once you are in DskSanit directory), the list of the available methods will be displayed on the screen.
/USER: - use this parameter if you want to mention the name of the person responsible with the current sanitizing.
/DISK: - use this parameter if you want to mention the description and ID of the disk drive;
/? - use this parameter if you want the complete command line parameters list to be displayed on the screen.
-IDE - use this parameter if you do not want to use the IDE/ATA controller.
See below some examples on how you can use the command-line parameters:
Example 1:
sanitize /h:0 /o- /o4+ /o5+ /o7+ /o9+ /m:6
rem /h:0 = Sanitize drive c:
rem /o- = Do not use default options
rem /o4+ = Generate sanitizing log (report) file
rem /o5 = Department of Defense style log file
rem /o7 = Sanitize without requiring user intervention
rem /o9 = Use ISAAC pseudorandom number generating algoritm
rem /m:6 = Use DOD 5220.22-M method
Example 2:
sanitize /h:0 /o- /o1+ /o4+ /o5+ /o7+ /o9+ /m:6
rem /h:0 = Sanitize drive c:
rem /o- = Do not use default options
rem /o1+ = Verify sanitizing
rem /o4+ = Generate sanitizing log (report) file
rem /o5+ = Department of Defense style log file
rem /o7+ = Sanitize without requiring user intervention
rem /o9+ = Use ISAAC pseudorandom number generating algoritm
rem /m:9 = Use DOD 5220.22-M method
2.5.1 Using command-line parameters with bootable floppies
The advanced users can use the command-line parameters even if they are running Erase MyPC from bootable floppies by modifying the AUTOEXEC.BAT file. You may include in this file the parameters used in Erase MyPC or any other DOS commands. For more information on command-line parameters please refer to the COMMAND-LINE PARAMETERS section.
Due to the LOGFILE HANDLING new feature, if during the sanitizing process, the log file exceeds the floppy disk capacity, Erase MyPC will automatically ask you to insert new diskettes and the sanitizing process will continue. The log file viewer uses 100 lines cache memory and enables the user a better and quick overview of the generated log file.
Technical Support
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Times of Operation
Monday - Friday
(Republic of Ireland public holidays excepted)
Please note that we are also closed on Dec 24th
08:00 - 13:00 open
13:00 - 14:00 closed
14:00 - 16:00 open
14:00 - 15:00 open(Fridays only)
Republic of Ireland Time Zones used
During "Irish Winter Time"
from last Sunday in Oct to last Sunday in Mar
During "Irish Standard Time"
Email and Telephone support is available in English, German, French, Italian and Spanish.
Customer Feedback
We welcome all feedback to john@orlogix.com
Support Solutions
How to boot from CD
- Insert CD.
- Power off PC.
- Power on PC.
- Press CD Boot key during boot.
- See PC manual for correct key.